• Question: what sort of person makes a good engineer

    Asked by 838amph45 to Zoe, Sheryl, Shahil, Emma, Andy, Andres on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Sheryl Williams

      Sheryl Williams answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Hi 838amph45,
      Someone with an enquiring mind who always wants to know how things work and with a keen interest to design and make things. Someone who is not afraid to fail or try new things and ideas. Someone who has a keen interest in finding the answers to the problems/challenges which we have in society. It also helps if you love Maths as that kind of analytic/systematic approach needed in Maths is also needed in engineering.


    • Photo: Andres Rivero

      Andres Rivero answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Hi 838amph45,

      I think the best trait an engineering could have is being curious about things and not being afraid of failing. Of course, other skills like being good at maths and understanding programming help a lot as well.


    • Photo: Zoe Lonsdale

      Zoe Lonsdale answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      It really depends what type of engineer you want to become as there are so many options. As a Civil Engineer i would the traits i have that help me do my job are –

      I am diligent, hard working, hungry for knowledge, committed, i enjoy problem solving and maths, i enjoy traveling, i don’t mind long hours and i like developing people.

    • Photo: Andy Woods

      Andy Woods answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      People who ask why generally make good engineers in my view. If you keep asking why you can work most things out and then solve the problem.
