• Question: if you got a bad mark or got put down how did you motivate yourself back up to the top or keep yourself going?

    Asked by Barnjay to Andres, Andy, Emma, Shahil, Zoe on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Zoe Lonsdale

      Zoe Lonsdale answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      That depends on whether i thought i deserved the negative view or not.

      If it was unfounded then i would demonstrate that was the case so that the same view could not be formed in the future.

      Much of my time is spent in trying to keep my teams motivated. A lot of engineering is all about problem solving and lots of problems can become frustrating. I make sure i am communicating with my teams effectively and try and give them structure and not ambiguity. Engineers often don’t cope well with ambiguity because of how their brains work.

    • Photo: Andres Rivero

      Andres Rivero answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Hi Barnjay,

      In my case, I motivated myself by trying to look at my studies as a marathon (resistance race) rather than a sprint. And I found this to be very true. I had friends that were very good at exams, so they would get a high mark at the beginning of the year and then they would relax (a bit too much sometimes) during the rest of the year. In my case instead, I tend to struggle a bit with the first set of exams during the beginning of the academic year and I always did better at final year exams, and it was because I never gave up and just kept doing my best and ‘resisting’. I was able to beat some of my friends that were used to get high marks during the beginning of the year, so it did prove that my mentality of keeping up with hard work was correct.


    • Photo: Andy Woods

      Andy Woods answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      You have to remember that if it is not difficult then it isn’t reqwarding to beat it. So you have to pick yourself up and keep working at it until you do win!
